
The Monetary System of Bearn During the Time of Queen Catherine

While searching for information in the Navarrese Archives about the coinage of the kings Catherine and John of Navarre, I came across a passage that gives us a lot of information about the monetary structure of the Lordship of Bearn at this time. This passage is included in Document 28 of Box 164 (AGN, Document 28 of Box 164) that I mentioned in the previous section, starting on the fifth page (3. Recto) and extending over the next six pages […]

The Monetary System of Bearn During the Time of Queen Catherine Read More »

First Coinage Period of Kings Catherine and John of Navarre (1487-1495)

If we look at the coinage of Kings Catherine and John, we must mention the last coinage of the united and sovereign Kingdom of Navarre. It is a diverse, rich and extensive coinage, which took place between 1487 and 1512. Although the reign of these kings was between 1483 and 1517, the Navarrese coins minted in the name of Francisco Febo until 1487

First Coinage Period of Kings Catherine and John of Navarre (1487-1495) Read More »

Navarrese Coins and Accounts of King Francis Phoebus

King Francis Phoebus is not a well-known king in modern Navarre, having died at the age of just fourteen, after inheriting the throne from his grandmother Eleanor of Trastamara. A member of the Foix family, sovereign lord of Bearn through his grandfather and father's succession, he held the crown for four years, between 1479 and January 1483, before abdicating to his sister Catherine. Some believe that he died of tuberculosis,

Navarrese Coins and Accounts of King Francis Phoebus Read More »

Coinage Accounts of the Old Mint of Donapaleu/Saint Palais

In the previous section, we explained the monetary report sent by Paulo Girardi to the reformer Guillaume le Soterel. In that introduction, we presented the influence this report had on the coins minted at the beginning of the reign of Charles II. Charles II was crowned on June 27, 1350, in the cathedral of Pamplona. Shortly thereafter, in November, the courts of Estella approved a minting tax with the aim of minting a new Navarrese currency. New Navarrese currency

Coinage Accounts of the Old Mint of Donapaleu/Saint Palais Read More »

Paulo Girardi and his Navarrese Currency Report

Les minieres de Navarre qui sont descouvertes jusques au jour d'uy, qui est Saturday 13e jour de May, l'an MIL CCC XL sont cestes: Premierement la miniere d'Urrovy. L'autre si est la mineere dessouz la ville de Miscoz et peut estre loign de celle d'Urrovy la quarte part d'une lieue, et est d'argent et de

Paulo Girardi and his Navarrese Currency Report Read More »

Bertrand de la Lande, Navarrese Works of the Bayonne Mint Chief

Today we will be investigating Bertrand de la Lande, a citizen of Bayonne and lord of the village of Gayon in Bearn. Bertrand was appointed mintmaster of the mints of Navarre and Bearn on November 30, 1589, a few months after King Henry III of Navarre became King Henry IV of France. Our Bertrand obtained a six-year loan agreement with Morlaas, Pau

Bertrand de la Lande, Navarrese Works of the Bayonne Mint Chief Read More »

Coins of the Duchy of Vasconia

As Kirmen Uribe says, “I feel lucky to be Basque. Obstacles are obstacles, and attacks are attacks, we are lucky. The Basque language is the heritage of the planet, not just the Basques. It is our responsibility to protect it, because we are lucky enough to have this, we have something to offer the world, so that the earth itself becomes more diverse.” Those of us who are involved in coin collections also have a duty to protect our heritage. These coins have a stamped

Coins of the Duchy of Vasconia Read More »

Examining the Navarrese Medal of Munich

A few weeks ago, I presented the collection of Navarrese coins that I had seen during a visit to the Staatliche Münzsammlung coin museum in Munich. The most unique of all the specimens in the museum, probably the only one known in the world, would be the joint medal of Joan III and Henry III mentioned by Adrien Blanchet. In his book „Histoire monétaire du Béarn“, published in 1893, Adrien Blanchet used the following drawing of the medal

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The Navarrese Collection of the Munich Coin Museum

For a long time, a little over eight years now, I am a Basque living in the Munich area. A year ago, I lived a little further from the Bavarian capital, but now I have moved to the outskirts of Munich and, taking advantage of the end of the pandemic, we dare to take a walk in the city center. On the third Sunday of November 2022, we got off the train at Marienplatz station and walked to the Odeonplatz area with our family.

The Navarrese Collection of the Munich Coin Museum Read More »
